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ADAP Village Km. 14 Barangay Indangan Buhangin District Davao City |
What is ADAP MPC?
The ADAP Multi-Purpose Cooperative with acronym ADAP MPC it was officially registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) on 28 April 1997 under CDA Registration No. RN-4864-DVO. Erstwhile the creation of the Cooperative, Its obvious objective among others is to cater and deliver services to the fullest to the marginalized sector of the society, the Persons with Disabilities (PWD’s) at the local level.
Currently, the Cooperative registered approximately 200 members all over Davao City alone.
Who Manages and Administers ADAP MPC Operation?
The ADAP MPC’s Board of Directors chaired by an Engineer by profession elected by the General Assembly is a body entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Cooperative in pursuant to the Articles of Cooperative and By-Laws. Committees were set up also to formulate policies consistent with the Cooperative Law (RA NO. 6938), By-Laws and Resolution of the General Assembly for the conduct and management of the business operation of the Cooperative.
The management personnel who are PWD’s themselves include professionals and college graduates in their respective education field of disciplines with gained experiences in Cooperative activities. Its manpower workforce is complemented by a Manager, Secretary, Bookkeeper, Production Supervisor and a Driver aside getting professional services from a Certified Public Accountant by profession as a Consultant who is a Recognized External Auditor.
Where does ADAP MPC get its Funding?
The principal source of fund of the Cooperative is the share capital to be used for its lending activities and membership fees from the members. However, the Cooperative devices its funds also from retains; capital; capital reserve;: interest on loans; subsidies; grants; donations; fees for services rendered; and other sources of funds as may be authorized by law.
Among the financial institutions that the ADAP MPC had entered into an agreement to extend financial assistance for its economic operation are the:
Government Agencies:
ª Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE XI)
ª National Food Authority (NFA)
ª City Social Services Development Office, Davao City
ª City Cooperative Development Authority, Davao City
Other Agencies:
ª National Federation of Cooperative of Persons with Disability (NFCPWD)
ª Department of Social Welfare Development Office R.O XI
ª Land Bank of the Philippines LBP
ª Small Business Guarantee Enterprise and Finance Corporation
ª City Cooperative Development Authority
Under the special provision contained in the yearly budget of the General Appropriation Act (GAA), the DepEd had allocated the Cooperative 10% of the total budget for school desks and chair, thus, ADAP MPC is the recipient of the grant to manufacture and provide school facilities for several years now. Other government agencies like DSWD, DOLE, TESDA, DOH, NHA, DPWH and LGU through the CSSDO had long been supportive likewise to the sensitive needs of the PWD’s for the past several years by extending cash or in kind contributions, livelihood programs, employment and scholarship programs, trainings, technical, and medical assistance, land tenure assistance program, accessibility features and other advocacy support. This is in pursuant to the rationale behind the Section 29 of the FY 2003 General Appropriation Act entitled “Setting Aside One Percent of the Government Agency Budget for Programs/Projects Related to the Disabled”. By virtue of this Act, this is where ADAP MPC Can sustains its economic activities to support contentiously for the general welfare of PWD’s.
What is ADAP MPC’s Track Record to Date?
ADAP MPC has been productively in operation for more than seven (7) years now after its official registration with the CDA. As its primary objective, the ADAP MPC had substantially catered to the several needs by granting loans at a minimal interest rate per annum to the bona fide production and providential purpose.
Through the marketing assistance of the National Federation of Cooperation of Person with Disabilities (NFCPWD) as an affiliated primary cooperative member, ADAP MPC ventured in the Production of Quality school desks and chairs not only in private education institution but also in public schools. We have been supplying to the Department of Education (DepEd) with desks/chairs of good quality for the past five years to the different regional offices in Mindanao area like Region XI and XII. Following are the projects undertaken by the Cooperative with the different agencies:
DepEd R.O. XII, 12/2000 Wood and 1,959 Php 1,390.890.00
Cotabato City Steel Armchair
DepEd R.O. XI 10/2001 Wood and Armchair 3,988 2,335,796.00
DepEd R.O XI, 04/2002 Wood and Steel Armchair 2,219,182.00
Comval &Davao Sur
Nikkei Jin Kai School 6/2004 Wood and Steel Armchair 25 15,500.00
Davao City
Davao Jubilee Foundation 7/2004 Plain Armchair 6 2,700.00
Maharlika Fndn., Inc. 8/2004 Steel Armchair 20 15,200.00
DepEd RO XII,Davao City 03/2005 Wood and Steel Armchair 8,800 5,984,000.00
DSWD-RRCY Davao City 02/2005 Wood and Steel Armchair 50 31,500.00
DepEd R.O. XI, Davao City 01/2006 All Wood
Elementary Table and Chair 901 Set 1,037,726.75
DepEd R.O. XI, 01/2006 All Wood Secondary Armchair 1,563 824,873.25
Davao City
DSWD-RRCY 01/20/2006 Wood and Steel Armchair 25 15,000.00
Davao City
University of the Phil. 09/ 12/ 2006 Wooden and Steel Chairs 80 60,000.00
Mindanao, Davao City w/ writing board
NFCPWD 01/31/2007 Secondary table armchairs 4,600 1,750,760.00
Pasig City
Other than Providing sustainable livelihood and employment aside conducting training of PWD’s, we have acquired a parcel of land under the Land Tenure Assistance Program of the National Housing Authority (NHA) containing a total area of 9,601 square meters located in Km. 14 Brgy. Indangan, Buhangin District, Davao City fir its associated housing project that caters for 75 qualified beneficiaries of ADAP MPC. Its land acquisition is through the initiative of 2nd Congressional District Hon. Vincent D. Garcia with respect to the lot equity paid to the NHA. The housing Construction is now on going in a joint project with the Habitat for Humanity Philippines Foundation, Inc. Funded by Davao City (Host) Lions Club International Foundation worth amounting $ 48,019.00 U.S. dollar.
What are ADAP MPC Current Opportunities?
There are many opportunities awaiting the ADAP MPC. It is a matter of enacting the Provision embodied in any Department Orders or Circulars issued especially the RA No. 7277; otherwise know as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability.
Section 29 of the General Appropriation Act (GAO) directing all national government agencies, executive departments, bureaus, officers, commission and state universities and colleges to set at least one percent of their total budget to programs/projects/activities for persons with disabilities will be the Captive market of the Cooperative to its economic operations. The funds are utilized for the implementation of programs/projects/activities that will address the needs of persons with disabilities. This is not to mention the 10% special provision.
ADAP MPC Continuously is getting from the DepEd allocating its yearly budget in the production of school desks and chair to be manufactured by ADAP MPC.
With all of these prospects, the Cooperative could incessantly carry its mission and vision as it were established as a fulfillment to its dream to reach out to more morally and/or to promote a better quality of life.
How can ADAP MPC Program be expanded?
With the establishment of the ADAP PMC, the Board of Directors and its Officers envisioned the empowerment of PWD’s – people who will no longer hide in shame because of their disability or in frustration due to their inability to move around and be where they long to be.
ADAP MPC has the following concerns to expand its program;
1. To identify and implement programs and projects designed to raise the level of socio-economic development of the PWD’s.
2. To introduce innovative approaches to general maximum participation in the community of PWD’s.
3. To maintain and expand contacts with national and international organizations concerned with PWD’s.
ADAP MPC aims to;
1. To enhance the capabilities of PWD members in cooperative management;
2. To augment members’ income through declaration of dividends and patronage refund by establishing different service;To encourage members to meet 100% of the current share capital; and continuously strengthen the values of ADAP MPC.
The ADAP Multi-Purpose Cooperative with acronym ADAP MPC it was officially registered with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) on 28 April 1997 under CDA Registration No. RN-4864-DVO. Erstwhile the creation of the Cooperative, Its obvious objective among others is to cater and deliver services to the fullest to the marginalized sector of the society, the Persons with Disabilities (PWD’s) at the local level.
Currently, the Cooperative registered approximately 200 members all over Davao City alone.
ADAP MPC Oath Taking Ceremony April 20, 2011 @
Conference Room City Engineers Office City of Davao
(From left to right) BOD
Leo S. Balonos, BOD Romy Alvin Salcedo, Treasurer Milona A. Cawaling
Hon. Tomas Monteverde IV City Councilor Davao City
Chairman Manuel A. Autida Jr., BOD Marnie A. Hemelian, Audit Chair Yvette Villegas
BOD Jomaric E. Embalzado, Secretary Apolinaria G. Napallacan, Vice Chair. Geraldine A. Gonzaga
OIC TAC Production Alicia M. Fabiaña, BOD Majie E. Jayadi
Who Manages and Administers ADAP MPC Operation?
The ADAP MPC’s Board of Directors chaired by an Engineer by profession elected by the General Assembly is a body entrusted with the management of the affairs of the Cooperative in pursuant to the Articles of Cooperative and By-Laws. Committees were set up also to formulate policies consistent with the Cooperative Law (RA NO. 6938), By-Laws and Resolution of the General Assembly for the conduct and management of the business operation of the Cooperative.
The management personnel who are PWD’s themselves include professionals and college graduates in their respective education field of disciplines with gained experiences in Cooperative activities. Its manpower workforce is complemented by a Manager, Secretary, Bookkeeper, Production Supervisor and a Driver aside getting professional services from a Certified Public Accountant by profession as a Consultant who is a Recognized External Auditor.
Where does ADAP MPC get its Funding?
The principal source of fund of the Cooperative is the share capital to be used for its lending activities and membership fees from the members. However, the Cooperative devices its funds also from retains; capital; capital reserve;: interest on loans; subsidies; grants; donations; fees for services rendered; and other sources of funds as may be authorized by law.
Among the financial institutions that the ADAP MPC had entered into an agreement to extend financial assistance for its economic operation are the:
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ADAP MPC RCC Livelihood training Center |
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RC Waling Waling turnover ceremonies of the Livelihood training Center |
Government Agencies:
ª Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE XI)
ª National Food Authority (NFA)
ª City Social Services Development Office, Davao City
ª City Cooperative Development Authority, Davao City
Other Agencies:
ª National Federation of Cooperative of Persons with Disability (NFCPWD)
ª Department of Social Welfare Development Office R.O XI
ª Land Bank of the Philippines LBP
ª Small Business Guarantee Enterprise and Finance Corporation
ª City Cooperative Development Authority
Under the special provision contained in the yearly budget of the General Appropriation Act (GAA), the DepEd had allocated the Cooperative 10% of the total budget for school desks and chair, thus, ADAP MPC is the recipient of the grant to manufacture and provide school facilities for several years now. Other government agencies like DSWD, DOLE, TESDA, DOH, NHA, DPWH and LGU through the CSSDO had long been supportive likewise to the sensitive needs of the PWD’s for the past several years by extending cash or in kind contributions, livelihood programs, employment and scholarship programs, trainings, technical, and medical assistance, land tenure assistance program, accessibility features and other advocacy support. This is in pursuant to the rationale behind the Section 29 of the FY 2003 General Appropriation Act entitled “Setting Aside One Percent of the Government Agency Budget for Programs/Projects Related to the Disabled”. By virtue of this Act, this is where ADAP MPC Can sustains its economic activities to support contentiously for the general welfare of PWD’s.
What is ADAP MPC’s Track Record to Date?
ADAP MPC has been productively in operation for more than seven (7) years now after its official registration with the CDA. As its primary objective, the ADAP MPC had substantially catered to the several needs by granting loans at a minimal interest rate per annum to the bona fide production and providential purpose.
Through the marketing assistance of the National Federation of Cooperation of Person with Disabilities (NFCPWD) as an affiliated primary cooperative member, ADAP MPC ventured in the Production of Quality school desks and chairs not only in private education institution but also in public schools. We have been supplying to the Department of Education (DepEd) with desks/chairs of good quality for the past five years to the different regional offices in Mindanao area like Region XI and XII. Following are the projects undertaken by the Cooperative with the different agencies:
DepEd R.O. XII, 12/2000 Wood and 1,959 Php 1,390.890.00
Cotabato City Steel Armchair
DepEd R.O. XI 10/2001 Wood and Armchair 3,988 2,335,796.00
DepEd R.O XI, 04/2002 Wood and Steel Armchair 2,219,182.00
Comval &Davao Sur
Nikkei Jin Kai School 6/2004 Wood and Steel Armchair 25 15,500.00
Davao City
Davao Jubilee Foundation 7/2004 Plain Armchair 6 2,700.00
Maharlika Fndn., Inc. 8/2004 Steel Armchair 20 15,200.00
DepEd RO XII,Davao City 03/2005 Wood and Steel Armchair 8,800 5,984,000.00
DSWD-RRCY Davao City 02/2005 Wood and Steel Armchair 50 31,500.00
DepEd R.O. XI, Davao City 01/2006 All Wood
Elementary Table and Chair 901 Set 1,037,726.75
DepEd R.O. XI, 01/2006 All Wood Secondary Armchair 1,563 824,873.25
Davao City
DSWD-RRCY 01/20/2006 Wood and Steel Armchair 25 15,000.00
Davao City
University of the Phil. 09/ 12/ 2006 Wooden and Steel Chairs 80 60,000.00
Mindanao, Davao City w/ writing board
NFCPWD 01/31/2007 Secondary table armchairs 4,600 1,750,760.00
Pasig City
Other than Providing sustainable livelihood and employment aside conducting training of PWD’s, we have acquired a parcel of land under the Land Tenure Assistance Program of the National Housing Authority (NHA) containing a total area of 9,601 square meters located in Km. 14 Brgy. Indangan, Buhangin District, Davao City fir its associated housing project that caters for 75 qualified beneficiaries of ADAP MPC. Its land acquisition is through the initiative of 2nd Congressional District Hon. Vincent D. Garcia with respect to the lot equity paid to the NHA. The housing Construction is now on going in a joint project with the Habitat for Humanity Philippines Foundation, Inc. Funded by Davao City (Host) Lions Club International Foundation worth amounting $ 48,019.00 U.S. dollar.
What are ADAP MPC Current Opportunities?
There are many opportunities awaiting the ADAP MPC. It is a matter of enacting the Provision embodied in any Department Orders or Circulars issued especially the RA No. 7277; otherwise know as the Magna Carta for Persons with Disability.
Section 29 of the General Appropriation Act (GAO) directing all national government agencies, executive departments, bureaus, officers, commission and state universities and colleges to set at least one percent of their total budget to programs/projects/activities for persons with disabilities will be the Captive market of the Cooperative to its economic operations. The funds are utilized for the implementation of programs/projects/activities that will address the needs of persons with disabilities. This is not to mention the 10% special provision.
ADAP MPC Continuously is getting from the DepEd allocating its yearly budget in the production of school desks and chair to be manufactured by ADAP MPC.
With all of these prospects, the Cooperative could incessantly carry its mission and vision as it were established as a fulfillment to its dream to reach out to more morally and/or to promote a better quality of life.
How can ADAP MPC Program be expanded?
With the establishment of the ADAP PMC, the Board of Directors and its Officers envisioned the empowerment of PWD’s – people who will no longer hide in shame because of their disability or in frustration due to their inability to move around and be where they long to be.
ADAP MPC has the following concerns to expand its program;
1. To identify and implement programs and projects designed to raise the level of socio-economic development of the PWD’s.
2. To introduce innovative approaches to general maximum participation in the community of PWD’s.
3. To maintain and expand contacts with national and international organizations concerned with PWD’s.
ADAP MPC aims to;
1. To enhance the capabilities of PWD members in cooperative management;
2. To augment members’ income through declaration of dividends and patronage refund by establishing different service;To encourage members to meet 100% of the current share capital; and continuously strengthen the values of ADAP MPC.
unsa nang adap?
ADAP MPC is the group of Person with disabilities would like to uplift the economic condition of individual and fighting against poverty.
Maganda ba si Geraldine?
Can ADAP help deafs too? I'm a fast learner and I have a hard time finding a stable job. I can speak Englsih , Tagalog and Bisaya but sadly I can't hear anything :(
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